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Thursday, September 29, 2016

State of the US Presidential Race

SEP 29, 2016

Subject:  The state of the presidential race


After watching the recent presidential debate between Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump, I am resigned to the fact that the rut and general malaise (economic for the middle class, political and legislative for the entire country) that America is enduring currently, will continue for some time henceforth.

Neither candidate wants to speak truth to power, for fear of insulting or angering their needed consituencies needed in order to win.  Trump did not want to say that realistically, he will not get legislation passed bu Congress to punish companies that move jobs offshore, because the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the army of lobbyists for Fortune 500 companies will make sure any proposed legislation will be gutted and rendered meaningless if it ever comes to the floor of both house of Congress.

Hillary will not rock the boat either, because she is generally a good friend of banks and large corporations, and I don't envision her introducing any legislation that will be unpopular with those constituencies.  She might introduce an "equal pay" bill, but it will be proof-read by her large donors (banks, corporations, etc) to make sure there are loopholes that won't interfere with the status quo.  In fact, had spoken to an HR person, and she said that salary amounts are not determined by federal law (for now), but a formula that includes the fair-market value of the position in that particular industry.
I am not opposed to equal pay, but it must be absolutely for two or more people who have the exact work history (years), education and other simiar qualifications.  It must not be to pander to a constituency envious of co-worker's incomes, without the justification.

Finally, neither candidate will make sure the United States avoids costly and unnecessary wars in the Middle East. Iraq has turned into a huge headache for American foreign policy, and the rise of ISIS is part of our inability to shape events after the US invasion in 2003.  So now, American armed forces has to repeatedly go back into the meat grinder of combat deployments to deal with a complex problem.  Hillary will continue operations in Iraq, make things complicated in Syria, drawing Russia in to defend its client state and try to begin combat operations (not calling it a war) in Iran, with Israel's blessing, in my opinion.

So, after watching another tired presidential debates, which now resemble soap operas, sit-coms, and boring press conferences, I don't have faith that America will elect a good president with strong virtues of temperance, and character.  I wish I had optimism, but I think the United States will not change the course of her destiny until we elect better leaders, and in Congress too.

- Anish Korula

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