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Sunday, January 15, 2017

What the Hell Just Happened? Yikes!

Donald Trump wins Presidency!   WORLD opinion of America in state of shock!

January 13, 2017

At the time of my last blog post, the United States was gearing up for a Presidential election vote on November 8th.  Even though Hillary Clinton was not my favorite choice, I felt that she would win comfortably.  Little did I know that she was far more unpopular, in addition to Donald Trump's savvy reading of the electorate, which made his victory such a shock. Truth be told, I was in total shock when the networks called the race for Trump.  There was a sense of WTF did our country just do?  Will I see a mushroom cloud in downtown Los Angeles?  I am not gonna lie, I was a little afraid, despite the bluster of past blog posts.

Reviewing the media of both the left and the right, you get a sense of different opinions of how his presidency will turn out.  Liberal and progressive websites profess an outcome where the Trump Presidency will fail and damage America's global reputation.  Conservative websites believe that although Trump is an unknown entity, he will do the bidding of the GOP and its pro-business goals.  This includes unnecessary tax cuts for the wealthy. 

Democrats continue to push the narrative that Putin and Russia's intelligence services worked to defeat Hillary Clinton, in that a Trump White House will be less confrontational to Putin's global ambitions.  This is to also damage the legitimacy of Donald Trump.  The recent intelligence reports that imply that Russia interfered with the November 2016 elections is ambiguous at best.  I believe that Russia did try to influence the election, but that they did not "hack" voting machines to alter votes.  Most countries use covert methods to influence our elections.  I am not shocked by this, and I think it has been going on for decades.  What do you think AIPAC, the powerful pro-Israel lobbbying group, does all the time?

If Donald Trump can avoid a war with Iran, I think he will have provided some sense of pragmatism in international affairs.  I personally get the sense that Trump is not a war monger, and that the neoconservatives who are angling for another stupid war in the Middle East will not have the influence they had in the Bush White House.  The jury is still out in terms of what kind of jobs he will bring back to the United States.  Carrier and Ford got good publicity through Trump's "negotiations" to keep or bring back some jobs to American workers.  However, the finite details as to the real outcomes need to be made transparent.  If Donald Trump gives away the store to companies who treaten to move jobs overseas unless they get concessions, the benefits he espouses may not add up to that much.

I share many American's fears of a Trump administration.  Hopefully, he is not the ignoramous that liberals promote to the country.  His presidency has many unknowns, but if he can manage the country in a pragmatic and careful manner, maybe his time in the White House will not be so bad?  Eh, I really cannot say, but pray that it will work out.

I am now returning to my bunker.  Pray for Peace!

1 comment:

  1. I think you have articulated our fears well. We have to give Mr. Trump a chance and see if our Republic and our democratic process made the correct choice.


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