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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The first two weeks of the Trump Administration have been what people thought it would be.

February 8, 2017

E Pluribus LOCO!


The bats**t crazy modus operandi of the Trump Administration has lived up to its billing, and people's fears.

As soon as President Trump was sworn in, he made a furious attempt to sign as many Executive Orders as possible.  Trump signed an order to halt the acceptance of foreign travelers from countries designated "dangerous" by the State Department and the foreign policy establishment.  President Trump created a firestorm of protests from the Democrats and those in the Republican establishment, due to a perception of poor handling of the powers of the president.  The rumors of confontational conversations with some of the United States's longest and greatest allies (Mexico, in terms of trade, Australia, whom we fought in the Pacific theater with in World War II). Trump had an awkward meeting with the British Prime Minister, Theresa May.  Who could forget the creepy hand-holding between Trump and May? It made the "special relationship" seem a bit forced and phony.  Hopefully that relationship with Britain wont be ruined by President Trump's boorish behavior and arrogance. Not to mention his rampant insecurity.

The "Muslim Travel ban" does not speak well of President Trump's understanding of the nuance of foreign policy and the impression it creates around the world.  The repuation of the United States hangs in the balance.  If America continues to treat its allies poorly, then some other ambitous nation (China, Russia or India) will attemp to provide millitary and diplomatic security that America has taken a back seat to.  Trump does not posses the subtlety of the power of the bully pulpit.  The president has the "bully" part down cold, but he needs to understand the power of the presidency has around the world, and must use it carefully and when needed.  The ban is primarily for seven specific countries in the Middle East, but it does not include countries that have serious jihadi fundamentalist and terrorism epicenters (Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc).  I believe this Executive Order was planned and excecuted poorly.  It does appear that Trump's Svengali, Steve Bannon, is running the show.  It shows that someone with no experience in federal government service, specifcially for the Executive Branch, can ruin the power of the office itself through poorly thought out policies, in my opinion. Not to mention, that any negative perception in the Muslim world of President Trump's intentions toward Muslims, will inflame anti-American sentiment, and increase the recruitment of Islamic terrorists who will plot to attach the United States.  Trump must be careful, or he will open a Pandora's Box of worldwide conflict, one in which no one wins.  He must be cautious, and remove any sense of bellicose behavior.

Speaking of dangerous and aggressive behavior, President Trump must not give in to the neocons within the Republican party who want to see America fight another dumb war in the Middle East, in this case against the Islamic Republic of Iran. He will be goaded and supported by the Israeli government of Benjamin Netenyahu, who would prefer the world's pre-eminent superpower do their dirty work in fighting Israel's most hated enemy.  I sincerely believe that the Netenyahu's government wants the United States to fight all of Israel's traditional enemies, in order to allow Israel to wield enormous influence within the Middle East and around the world, to some small extent.  It is shameful, in my opinion, that America is so easily bamboozled into war by numerous countries.  While I share a strong desire to see Israel strong, prosperous and able to provid its citizens a peaceful co-existence with the world community, the current right-wing government in Te Aviv is not going to ensure that for a long time. Its policies regarding settlements in the long run will backfire and not bring the desired result its people want, which is peace with its neighbors.

In fact, there are discussions that one of the main reasons for an aggresive American policy towards Syria is that the country is a focal point for a conflict based not on Assad, but a natural gas pipeline. Currently, Russia supplies a vast amount of natural gas to the European Union, and Putin does not want any alternate options for Europe.  Many of the gulf states, UAE, want to have a rival pipeline that goes through the Arabian Peninsula and provides an alternate power source for the European states.  Assad does not want that alternate pipleline to run throug Syria, partly due to Syria being a client of the Russian Federation.  The Gulf States want the United States to fight the Syrian government (and Russia too), and offer to pay for this stupid endeavor.  

I sincerely hope that Trump has the right support within his inner circle to avoid another aggresive war in the most volatile part of the world.  It angers me that the Gulf States simply are offering to pay for this idiotic idea, and that America would have to sacrifice its soldiers, sailor, airmen and Marines for another most likely protracted war that will yield no real benefits.   Most of the American people are tired of conflict in the Middle East, so I hope Trump and his staff are careful to avoid war.  Even though I think President Trump is nuts on many levels, during the 2016 campaign, he seemed inclined to avoid expensive and financially draining conflicts with no certain, and swift outcomes.

After the first two weeks, I am under the belief that the next four years of President Trump is never going to be boring.  I hope he has the strength to avoid using any sort of nuclear weapons (tactical nukes) even thoug he is goaded to do so.  While I do have some hope that Trump is not a fool, I am not certain that his insecurity and thin skin will force him to do something stupid that will have no tangible benefit for the reputation of the United States, or its citizens.

Every week is a roller coaster.  I hope for America's sake, none of its citizens are forced to vomit, like I am scared of doing.

" Our Father, Who Art in Heaven...."

1 comment:

  1. You have correctly assessed the dangers in the Middle East and the potential for war in that region which would inflame the affected to promote terrorist activities. The opportunity in this country to speak about our concerns I hope will allow those in authority and power to understand the repurcussions and tread carefully. I hope that President Trump and his advisors give this more thought.I pray too for civility and wisdom in high places.


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