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Monday, October 10, 2016

Debate II Results: I am now resigned to believe Hillary will win November 8th

October 10, 2016

Why I feel Hillary will win the Presidency of the United States on November 8th


I watched intently the second Presidential debate on Sunday, October 9th.  It was interesting to see Donald Trump change from the clumsy debater to someone who appeared calm and didn't invade Hillary Clinton's personal space, like senate candidate Rick Lazio (R) did in a debate in 2000 for Hillary's first campaign for senate in New York.

As I have stated in my previous blog posts, I tend to go back and forth on this election. Not because I feel Trump would be a good President, in fact, I think he would be a poor President.  However, he seems to be the grenade that would blow up the current political system, one that favors the large dollar donor class, Wall Street and the fields of finance and tech.  Most Americans are angry that their lives have not improved, and wages have either remained stagnant or decreased, while the 1% have seen their fortunes rise.   That is what Trump would represent, and that is why I feel he has the support he does.  Most of the media feel that his support his mainly white and male, but I believe he could not have won the Republican primaries if his support consisted of that small demographic.  I think liberals will be in for a shock on election day, and find out how much of the country supports him.  Not enough to win, but make it very close.

However, after the second Presidential Debate, while Trump did tend to make some improvement in terms of his posture, composure and what he said, I feel that most voters who saw the debate didn't really move in his direction.  He needed to show that Hillary will be more of the same type of leader in the White House, with little change in terms of what will be accomplished. Specifically, towards economic policies that would help the large segments of American society that are struggling in this global economy.

Hillary did just enough to convince her supporters that she has enough horses to win on November 8th, but not enough for a large mandate.  She is a corporate Democrat, and the changes she will push won't make the economy grow to the levels it needs to do, I feel.  Asher Adelman, the real-life character that Wall Street's Gordon Gecko was modeled on, felt that Bernie Sanders had the right idea of growing the economy. Mr. Adelman believed that in order to grow the type of economy that America needs, the low and middle classes need higher wages in order to spend money.  Those types of consumers are what determines if the overall economy of the country is good, because when they spend money, it forces banks to lend, which is how banks improve their financial holdings.

So, based on the debate this evening (Sunday), Hillary Clinton performed well enough to convince America she is the best candidate, but for the usual elite crowd of people, who as before, will benefit the most.

Nothing will seriously change, unless a similar populist to Mr. Sanders comes around and makes a better push for the White House, and succeeds in getting there.

1 comment:

  1. It is remarkable that the focus on the debate was the Video from 2007 that highlighted the sexual predatory views of Trump from a private conversation. There was no in depth discussion of the leaked and deleted emails, the threat on National Security and the lapses of Mrs Clinton while she was Secretary of State. American media seemed more interested in "desires and claims" of Trump's sexual exploitation of women (there was no proof of actual deeds) rather than more important national issues of security, casual use of classified communications and the lack of accountability for careless and irresponsible behavior in high office. The debate on the economy and healthcare by both were mediocre at best. To know that Mrs Clinton, with all these attributes will become President is unnerving indeed. I agree that a more centrist Bernie Sanders would have had a greater impact on the electorate and could have contributed to a brighter economic outlook for the country if he was elected President.


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