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Saturday, October 1, 2016

Why I think Hillary will win the presidential campaign

September 30, 2016

Why I think Hillary will win the presidential campaign


Much as been made of the recent presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on September 26th.

What should have been an interesting contrast between a (faux) populist, Republican modern-day P.T. Barnum and a corporate Democrat, turned into a farce of comical proportions.  Trump should have focused his attention on what he would do for the American people, and what his business skills (allegedly) would do to improve the economic outlook of millions of American citizens who live anxiously day-to-day and wonder about their futures. Because Trump is a political neophyte, and is not used to debates, he fell into traps that Hillary laid for him.  She is a skilled debater, who uses her legal acumen to force Trump into defensive postures on his life and personal faults.  This debate was for him to win, since the country had low expectations regarding his ability to hold his own with with a formidable legal mind.

Donald Trump needed to just focus the narrative of the debate on the future of the country, and provide simple analogies to show that Hillary Clinton is not a change agent. Rather, Trump need to provide she is a continuation of the Washington, D.C. Establishment providing for their elite members, at the expense of the American people and their quality of life.

He fell into traps Hillary provided due to his massive ego and insecurity, and as a result he had to defend her assertions at the expense of her fatal flaws as a candidate and her political history.

Since he did not do any of the things mentioned above, he will now have to react to her challenges to his competency, temperment, and leadership, rather than her lack of new ideas.  I believe that the remaining  story will fall under Hillary lobbying false narratives, provided by her campaign and the Democratic party, instead of showing the country that Mrs. Clinton is not going to be the transformative candidate she claims to be, outside of her gender, which is still signifiant nonetheless.

Mr. Trump had the opportunity to lay out a foundation of his goals to change the direction of the country.  However, he will be forced to parry and counter Hillary Clinton's strategy of making the race about him, rather than the tiresome scandals of the Clinton brand.


1 comment:

  1. You have articulated the conundrum that Trump is in now and we shall see over the several weeks whether his campaign advisers analyze the situation well and capitalize his gains (pardon the pun) to his advantage in the polls. Clinton on the other hand seems to be content with her current strategy but increasing certain segments of the populace, such as the blacks are beginning to see her insincerity. Sadly, the vast majority of Americans are still dependent on the voices of the media which favor Clinton in most outlets. The next weeks will be interesting.


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